Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Read Aloud

We are going to take some time off from our Young Hoosier Books to participate in the Global Read Aloud!

CLICK HERE to learn more!

Looking for an easy way to participate? Add thoughts, questions, and reflections to our collaborative Padlet!
Made with Padlet

CLICK HERE for other resources and ways to connect!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I'm Trying to Love Spiders

STREAM = Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math

STREAM connection: Research the life cycle of a spider and record it here

STREAM connection: Create a spider web using makerspace materials. 

Hear the story read aloud:

Friday, September 13, 2019

Monster's New Undies

STREAM = Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math

STREAM connection: Create a monster using makerspace materials.

STREAM connection: Monster threw all of his other undies away after he found this perfect pair. He does not like doing laundry and needs your help figuring out how often he'll need to wash them, assuming he wears a new pair every day. (Hint: He buys 18 pairs in the story)

STREAM connection: Design a t-shirt

Other resources:

Hear the story read aloud:

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Can an Aardvark Bark?

STREAM = Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math

STREAM connection: Create an animal from the story using makerspace materials.

STREAM connection: Take students on a nature walk and have them listen for animal sounds or have groups research and present more information about an animal from the story.

STREAM connection: Animal sound matching activity

Other resources:
Teacher's Guide

Watch the book trailer:

A Perfect Day

STREAM =  S cience,  T echnology,  R eading,  E ngineering,  A rt,  M ath S T R E A M connection: It's a perfect day to be ou...